Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog#4 Input & Output

The RFID we talked about in class this week gives me a new insight about how my device would work. As mentioned before, the urban parking navigation system is working based on the user updates, and the users get the information about where the free parking spot is from the cloud.  Chances are that, two drivers might get the same information and heading to the same parking spot, and this would cause more troubles for the drivers because they might fight for the spot or one of them would have to find a new spot and thus waste more gas and produce more pollution. So, to solve this problem we should have be able to notify drivers there are other drivers nearby before they are heading to the same spot, and the RFID would be the solution.
You might ask, why not notify the drivers online by telling them there are certain cars are heading to certain area beforehand so that they can make adjustments? It’s possible, but the information might not be accurate because it takes time for the information to travel to the drivers. On the other hand, it would be so difficult to organize and keep track of so many users on the streets and notify the users at the same time.
The RFID solves all the potential problems mentioned above. RFIDs are not connected to any networks, so they would work independently in each car and Since RFID uses “near filed” technology, their working ranges are limited. With these features, the RFID is perfect for the warning between cars when they are heading to the same spot, and with limited signal range only the cars in certain area would receive the warning from the car that is nearby the available spot and make adjustment as soon as possible. The RFID used in the devices would be passive with the controlling of signal ranges and RFID readers would be built in the devices as well.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your ideas that go along with using RFID tags. Along with alerting users of cars in the area, you could let them know things like how many parking spots are left, how much it costs to park, etc. to provide them with more information.
