Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog#6 Professional Blog Review

The Professional Blog I chose to review is called “TechCrunch”. TechCrunch is not a personal blog, but a professional technology blog that employed many writers. I chose to review writer Devin Coldewey’s section.

Devin Coldewey is a Seattle-based writer and photographer. He has written for the TechCrunch network since 2007. His blogs are mostly focus on the newest technologies and electronic devices, however the topic of his posters highly diverse. One think I like about his blogs is that, he attached pictures on almost every blog he posted on TechCrunch. I think by attaching pictures he is able to make his blogs more interesting and eye-catching.  For example, on the day the iphone 4s was released, he wrote a blog about teardown an iphone 4s and accompany with that he posted a picture of a disassembled iphone.  I learned that if I am to make a successful blog, attaching pictures would be one thing I will do.

Another thing I found interesting about his blog is that, he talked about similar things that we discussed in class.  For example, he talked about computer components, pixels, and different operation systems which I also discussed in my blogs.  However, Clodewey’s posts are much more comprehensive compare to mine (of course!! He is a professional writer), but my point is that, different purposes of blog may shape how the blog looks like and the way bloggers address a same topic. This observation gives me an insight that, the format/style of a blog is equaled important to its contents. A uniformed and clear style sometimes can help the writer express his/her idea more clearly. I think if I am to make a good blog, I would create a theme for my blog at the very beginning to keep all my posts organized and consisting.
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